
Our Health and Safety training is designed to empower your people, increase their knowledge and develop their understanding of Health and Safety so it can be applied in the workplace. Our workshops are all instructor-led, using videos, group activities and discussion groups to ensure those attending understand the content and how to apply it.

These are educational, upbeat and interactive experiences designed to upskill and motivate your people to deliver better Health and Safety outcomes in your workplace. We train all levels of your organisation: Governance, Supervisors, Workers and Management. We have you covered! Book now.

Our Courses

People at H&S training

Health & Safety Representative - Initial Training

This course provides elected or appointed Health and  Safety Representatives with the foundation knowledge and skills to enable them to exercise their duties and responsibilities as workplace Health and Safety Representatives.

  • The Health & Safety at Work Act 2015
  • Duties of PCBUs, Officers and Workers
  • Role of WorkSafe NZ and their Inspectors
  • Roles and functions of Health and Safety Representatives
  • Health and Safety Committees
  • Risk management process
  • Provisional improvement notices
  • Ceasing unsafe work
  • Emergency procedures
  • Worker participation tools
  • The future in Health & Safety

Duration: One Day (7 – 8 hours)

Cost: Public Course: $495 +GST per person | In-House: P.O.A. (Up to 10 people)

Registration of Credits: $25.00 + GST per person
NZQA Unit Standard 29315 Level 3 = 2 Credits

Businessman At Whiteboard Giving Presentation In Boardroom

Health & Safety Incident Investigation

This course is for Health and Safety representatives, Team Leaders, Supervisors and first line Managers. The course enhances the knowledge and skills gained during Stage 1, and develop the personal and written skills required to conduct a formal incident/accident Investigation.

  • The Health & Safety at Work Act 2015
  • Accident and incident reporting best practice
  • Root cause analysis
  • The right questions to ask
  • Case studies, reviewing the investigations of others and making recommendations
  • Duty holders’ review process
  • Two way communication basics
  • Notifiable events
  • Emergency procedures

Duration: One Day (7 – 8 hours)

Cost: Public Course: $495 +GST per person | In-House: P.O.A. (Up to 12 people)

Successful Maori Pacific Islander business woman leading a team of start up entrepreneurs in a corporate business meeting in New Zealand

Health & Safety for Managers

The Health and Safety for Managers course gives a comprehensive overview of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. It provides Directors and Managers with a detailed understanding of the Health & Safety Representatives roles and responsibilities and provides the key knowledge required to manage a Health & Safety system.
  • The Health & Safety at Work Act 2015
  • Duties of PCBUs, Officers and Workers
  • Due diligence obligations
  • Governance vs Management
  • Overlapping duties
  • Roles of HSR’s and Committees
  • H&S Audits
  • Contractor management
  • Risk vs hazards
  • Incidents vs accidents
  • Worker participation and engagement
  • Health and other unforeseen hazards
  • Health & Safety KPIs, SOPs and their purposes

Duration: One Day (7 – 8 hours)

Cost: Public Course: $495 +GST per person | In-House: P.O.A. (Up to 12 people)

Short Courses

Fire Warden

The role and duties of fire wardens, preventing fires, the triangle of fire, how fire extinguishers work, and emergency drills.

Duration: 3 hours
Material: Fire Warden trainee booklet & Certificate (optional)
Cost: P.O.A. 

Manual Handling

Identification and understanding of contributors to manual handling injury, understanding the physical make-up of the spine and spinal injuries, practical lifting and moving skills.

Duration: 3 hours
Material: Manual Handling Booklet & Certificate (optional)
Cost: P.O.A. 

Health and Safety Overview

An overview of the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015, understanding PCBU’s and Worker’s Health and Safety responsibilities and the importance of compliance and hazard identification; the role of the Health & Safety Committees and Health & Safety Representatives in the workplace.

Duration: 3 hours
Material: Health & Safety Handout
Cost: P.O.A. 

Health and Safety for Supervisors

This course covers the importance of worker engagement, concepts on worker competence, explains “Work as Imagined” and “Work as Done” along with how to give effective feedback.

Duration: 4 hours
Material: Health and Safety Handout
Cost: P.O.A.

Course Delivery Options

Public Courses

  • Held throughout the year. Simply choose dates that suit your team.
  • Our experienced and skilled Health and Safety Specialist delivers the workshop
  • Opportunity to share knowledge and network across organisations
  • Ideal for when you only have one or two people requiring training or if you need to maintain staffing levels at your site.

In-House Courses

  • Delivered at your site with an experienced and skilled Health and Safety Specialist
  • Tailored to your specific needs, industry or sector
  • Provides an excellent team building opportunity
  • Opportunity to meet people across departments and strengthen relationships within the organisation.

Online and Instructor Led Courses

  • Ideal for when you have multiple sites across New Zealand
  • Instructor-led – our trained facilitator and Health and Safety specialist leads the workshop, ensuring everyone is engaged and understands the content.
  • Can be done in the comfort of your own home or anywhere you can access a computer, internet connection, mic and camera

Customer Experience

Read what our customers have to say about their training experience with Work Safe Advisory Services.

Our Courses

Health and Safety Representative

  • “I am more confident after the training. The course was excellent”
  • “Very Informative and engaging. Time files when learning is fun! 5+ Stars”
  • “I loved the mixture of activities/ resources e.g. videos, games, group/pair work. It kept the course very interesting. Thank you”

Incident Investigation

  • “Loved the video’s, discussions, and shared stories. A fun workshop”
  • “Training was well structured. I learned useful tools”
  • “A good mix of ideas. Clear and very relatable”
  • “Eye opening training. It showed the importance of accurate recording and reporting”

Health and Safety for Managers

  • “I learnt so much today; I am now feeling confident in talking H&S with our company. Definitely worth attending”
  • Training worth attending, clear, developed deeper understanding of H&S.”
  • “Reinforced lots of already known concepts and added some new. Great day with a lot of great takeaways and areas to improve in”
  • “The booklet reference is a great reference takeaway to help refer back to. Thank you for your knowledge, advice and insight. A lot of learnings taken away”

Skilled and Knowledgeable Trainers

Our experienced trainers keep the courses relevant and engaging, ensuring everyone feels comfotable to particapite. Read what our customers had to say:

Liam Denton:

  • “Awesome trainer, clear communication, detailed. Great communication and engagement”.
  • “Liam was great.  He kept the information coming with an appropriate pace and actively listened to us. I cannot fault him. Thank you”.
  • “Liam, thank you for putting on a good course really appreciate it, even at 77 I can still be motivated and energised by something new”.
  • “Very knowledgeable trainer, he pinpointed areas I wasn’t aware of in the business”.
  • “Liam made sure the training is interesting. It was lively and he gave us time to understand every detail, provided great examples  and got us to participate in activites”.

Jane Gravestock:

    • “Jane was simply amazing, made H&S Training enjoyable. I am more confident after the training”
    • “Jane was excellent and answered my questions”.
    • “The trainer is great, you can tell she has knowledge and is passionate about H&S”.
    • “Well prepared, knowledgeable, responded expertly to questions, good mix of information and humour.
    • “Jane is a great instructor, and I always leave with H&S in the front of my mind”
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